Kellie Andrews and her husband Selby started the Huntsville Hub five years after they got married, and like any new business, it was exciting at first. But after a while they realized it put them the same room for nearly 24 hours a day. And no matter how much you love your spouse, 24 hours a day can get to be a lot. They knew they either had to choose their business or their marriage.
Thankfully, they chose both—sort of. They decided to be married but also stay in business, just not with both of them working at the same place at the same time. Kellie’s husband took another job while she ran the Huntsville Hub and over the last twenty six years have swapped back and forth as needed. All so they could still be married and the Huntsville Hub could stay in business.
As the saying goes, “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
Kellie and her husband kept dreaming, and have built the Huntsville Hub to what it is today: a place where business owners of all shapes and sizes can come for office space. But it’s more than just office space. It’s a place where you are part of a community, build friendship, meet with clients, host team work sessions, grow your business, and ultimately, make a difference in the world.
The last 29 years, Kellie says, is a miracle from God.
“We should have gone out of business a half a dozen times, but somehow we made it. God has allowed me to run this company for His purpose. I believe He created the Huntsville Hub to encourage and equip other companies to be on mission, and to use whatever He has blessed them with to make a difference in the world.”